Sometimes, Mama needs to get away

Join us on our second community cruise this October on the Grandeur of the Seas. This is an opportunity for you to recharge and create some amazing connections with other moms as we take a few days where we prioritize ourselves. There will be swag bags, dancing, kareoke and a comedy show. You will come to us drained and unsure, but will leave sun tanned, smilling and re-energized. Bring your husband or even family along if you want to make the mostof the time on the boat. They have kid care so you don’t have to watch them.

I had a dream about all of us last night. It was like I was back on the cruise. I loved it.

We were at a second gathering but we were at Meredith‘s house. There was bedrooms for everybody we were all hanging out like a sorority house.

Connie Robinson

Real, It was so nice getting to meet everyone on that amazing cruise. I would love to do it again.

Monty Hatfield

Amazing dream come true❤️ I would not have ever met these amazing woman (and the hubbies) if it wasn’t for you and building this amazing group. I can’t express how much this trip truly meant to me and all the meetups that I have had💝 I am so happy for everyone who meets up and not jealous at all. We are all amazing women and this is why we have come to be an amazing community. I am beaming with happiness and my heart is full ❤️

Kelly Felipe